Carnie's Comments


It's time for Facebook Friday! I share the best of the best from the folks I follow.

This one, "It just dawned on me...two of my best friends are psychology majors. So, is it the intriguing personality they like or am I just a nut job?

I like this one, "Due to inflation, the back of the mullet is now dedicated to business as well."

Here's a clever cat who shares, "Alcohol and calculus don't mix. So, don't drink and derive."

Can you relate? "Self-discipline is tough because I'm the boss of me and that guy runs a real loose ship."

Here's an American gal I follow  who says, "Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are my country's Royal Family...and I won't be taking any further questions at this time."

And one more from a friend who shares, "The biggest scam in life: Paying taxes on money you make, taxes on money you spend and taxes on things you own that you already paid taxes on with already taxed money."