Carnie's Comments


It's Throwback Thursday as we take a minute to remember the good ol' days.

You know, it's 40 years ago this month I graduated with my classmates from Central Collegiate Institute. 40 years!

I got thinking about that yesterday when loyal listener William requested a song on The Electric Lunch on CHAB.  He wanted to hear "The Final Countdown" by Europe. 

 I texted back, saying, "I think that was our grad song in '83."

I looked it up. It wasn't. It couldn't have been because that song came out in '86.

Upon further reflection, our grad song might have been "Only Time Will Tell" by Asia.  It came out in '82 so that makes more sense.

I suppose I got my bands that are named after continents mixed up. Our song was by Asia, not Europe.  

I was a little upset that I didn't remember that yesterday but then I recollected getting a whole bunch of things mixed up on my final exams that year.

So, no cause for alarm...nothing's really changed.