Carnie's Comments


It's time for Twitter Tuesday - I find the best from the Twitterati.

Here's a mom who shares, "My 4-year-old's teacher called to complain that she rolled her eyes at her during class. When I asked my kid about it she asked what rolling your eyes is...and now I'm rolling my eyes at the whole thing."

This one, "Bread - it's how sandwiches get their hugs."

Here's a fella who Tweets, "You asked me to fix it so I tried, and now it's broken beyond repair. I hope you learned a lesson here."

Just to clear things up, this guy says, "Sorry, but on old people's Twitter, a tablet refers to an Advil, not an IPad."

I like this one, "The best thing about wearing glasses is taking them off when you're about to make a point so people know it's about to get real."

Here's a dad who says, "I gave my son a shovel for Christmas so he could start his own gold mine but so far he's not digging it."

And one more, "My girlfriend said she's leaving me because of my obsession with TV dramas...but will she really leave me?"