Carnie's Comments


It's time for Twitter Tuesday! I find the best of the best from the Twitterati.

We'll start with this married fellow who says, "When I'm mad at my wife and want to lash out, I open a bottle of some condiment when there's already one open."

Here's a big guy I follow who shares, "I gained the weight just in case earth begins to lose gravity."

An old guy Tweets, "Kids these days will never know the combined defeat of being both lost and unable to re-fold a map."

This man shares, "I heard someone call the pandemic 'the pandy' and it's been bothering me for three months."

Here's a funny fella who says, "Dress for the job you want, not the job you've got, they said. Well, that's fine in principle but not as fun when you're the only fighter pilot in your open-plan office."

A Tweet from a mom first thing this morning, "Bribing my kids out of bed with pancakes might be the most genius idea I've ever had."

And one more you might relate to from a middle-aged guy who says, "An adult is a person who thinks everything was 10 years ago."