Carnie's Comments


It's time for our weekly look at the best of the best from the Twitterati. It's Twitter Tuesday!

We'll start with this post from Family Day yesterday. The guys says, "You call it being lazy but I call it recharging."

This girl says, "If you correct my typos I'm going to assume you are just bored with your life."

This guy shares, "A sports injury after age 40 is falling asleep in the wrong position while watching a game."

On a similar note, this one, "Getting older is all about knowing a guy - a plumbing guy, a roofing guy, a tax guy and the lawn guy."

Here's a dad who Tweets, "My son made the Dean's List for a 6th straight time. The closest I ever made it to being on a college list was having my name written on the board with people who needed to be seen after class."

And we'll finish with a nice thought from a guy I follow who shares, "What if heaven is just a continuation of your current life but with more cheese and chocolate?"