We've got a problem.  The only power you and I have to fix it is by voting in the next civic election.  It's almost four years away.

We have dissention at Moose Jaw City Hall.  Oh, we expect some conflict and disagreement among city councilors - that's healthy.  The problem is what seems to be continuous conflict between a number of councilors and city administration.

I understand council has to hold our civic employees accountable but the current situation is more like the Saskatchewan Legislature or Parliament Hill.  It's like our administrators are under attack from the opposition every time they have a meeting.

Mayor Fraser Tolmie promised to work on cohesion when he won the election last fall.  He needs cooperation to make that happen.  He's not getting it.

There's an old saying;  "Politics is show business for ugly people."

In our case here in "The Friendly City", it's the politics that are ugly.