The City of Moose Jaw’s Administrative Review Officer, Saundra Arberry, received one procedural complaint in 2023. 

This is the first complaint that the Administrative Review Officer has received in the past five years, according to Arberry’s annual report to city council. 

The complaint was a concern about the voting process around the first and second readings of three specific bylaws. City manager Maryse Carmichael said the issue was resolved in a timely fashion. 

“The matter was actually resolved before she finished her investigation because council was very proactive and remedied the situation,” Carmichael told city council on Monday night. 

Arberry’s report said the complainant was informed of the resolves and no further action was needed. 

To answer an inquiry from Coun. Kim Robinson, Carmichael explain what kind of complaints the Administrative Review Officer generally deals with. 

“Most of the questions in this case would be procedural to council meetings and in the case in 2023 was for the elections and any issues with the procedures,” Carmichael said. 

Further information about complaints to the Administrative Review Officer can be found by contacting the City of Moose Jaw.