It's clear there was some wrongdoing.  As you've heard by now, three Moose Jaw City Councillors are facing sanctions following an investigation into the handling of a personnel issue at our Downtown Facility & Field House - commonly known as Mosaic Place and Yara Centre.

Yesterday in this space I told you I'd like to think Councillors Swanson, McMann and Froese were attempting to do the right thing.  Others are not so compassionate.  It's clear in social media.

I look to former City Councillor Patrick Boyle's Facebook feed and see him posting the DiscoverMooseJaw article and he writes, "Well, well.  People need to pay attention to this for the 2020 election.  I might even have to come out (of) retirement..."

He got some of his followers fired up.  One man says, "...very serious accusations and all they get are those sanctions...Pathetic...They should be made to step down."

So, it appears, this isn't over.  It might have just started.