Today is the final day to have your say in CAA Saskatchewan’s 2024 Top Ten Worst Roads contest. 

You can vote for some of the worst roads that the unsafe because of potholes, poor road maintenance, poor road signage or road markings, unpaved roads, traffic congestion, no or poor cycling infrastructure or poor transit infrastructure. 

Heading into the final day, Moose Jaw had three roads in the top 10. Coteau Street West was sitting in fifth place for potholes, the Fourth Avenue Viaduct was in seventh for poor road maintenance and 13th Avenue Northwest was 10th for potholes. 

New this year, a random voter will be selected to win a grand prize of a $1,000 Shell Gift Card from CAA Saskatchewan. 

To vote for a worst road in Saskatchewan, visit, select a road and you can vote once per road per road user in a 24-hour period. 

The winners of the worst road contest and the grand prize draw will be announced tomorrow.