
March is Nutrition Month in the Five Hills Health Region, and their theme is "Simply Cook And Enjoy".  Sounds easy, right?  I remember a time the only thing I could "Simply Cook" and "Enjoy" was Kraft Dinner.  We've made a few baby steps in the past few years, but the other part of the equation (besides the actual cooking) is making a meal plan and having everything READY so that you can get home from work and actually cook it before bedtime.  Not to mention if the kids or you have something to do that night.  The Five Hills Health Region website has some good ideas about making cooking a family experience, and they have some recipes that are good starting points for getting kids in the kitchen, along with you.  Our Karla Pratt spoke with Melanie Warken, who is the Public Health Nutritionist for FHHR to get some more advice.