Nicholas Hennink and Sheena Nault of Moose Jaw started a video series just over a week ago called "Help Someone", where they speak with individuals living on the street, listen to and share their stories, and give them much-needed supplies.

The two are no strangers to helping others either, with both founding We Are Warriors Magazine which helps others deal with addiction.

They have been working on their 'Help Someone' movement for just over a week, and the results have already been incredible. The duo has reunited three individuals with their families, they've met a number of individuals and shared their stories through social media, and have raised a large amount of money through a GoFundMe.

"I struggled with my addiction and went to rehab three times and I literally didn't want to live anymore," recounts Hennink, "I honestly believe that if you don't give back then there's no healing for yourself. So if I don't do something positive with my life, then I'm just going to relapse and I'm going to find myself in the same situation that they're in."

Before filming and posting their encounters, Hennink and Nault spent time going out to feed the homeless and talk with them, before deciding they should do it on a bigger platform in order to share their stories with a wider audience.

Sheena Nault and Nicholas Hennink (photo courtesy of We Are Warriors Magazine Facebook page)

Though they do post a number of videos online of their interactions, which are all done with the consent of the individual, the majority of their conversations and meetings are not filmed.

They have been filming some of their interactions for only a couple of days and said three have really impacted them.

They spoke with a man named James who Hennink said had nearly been burnt alive. James has Aspergers among other illnesses, and they struggled to understand why James wasn't living in an assisted living facility. The video of them speaking with James made waves on the internet, to the point where others started contacting Hennink and Nault saying they had been looking for James. He has reunited with his family thanks to the video.

Another was Donna, who was a mom who struggles with crystal meth and has tried numerous times to quit. She did not want to go back to her kids while she was still struggling.

And finally, the first video they made was with a woman whose family had been looking for her.

"The family contacted us and said 'Oh my goodness, you found my aunt!," said Hennink.

"They were putting together some funding to actually take her home and get her some treatment," continued Nault, "Which is pretty incredible because they couldn't find her. We've already helped three people and we've only been doing this for a week. We've been in tears at night saying this is amazing."

After each meeting, the two also leave a care package with the individual. It started out as meals, but they now leave supplies such as deodorant, easy foods like water and protein bars, shoes, clothes, hygiene products, and medical supplies. They have also gotten in touch with local resources to see if the individual is eligible for any kind of assistance.

What's next for the two?

They are planning on starting '365 Days of Helping', which would involve them posting one video a day of their work throughout the province. They would also like to travel and perform the same acts of kindness across Canada and possibly head into the States. They have recently sold their homes and bought an RV in order to help them travel across the country to make their Help Someone Movement a success. 

Nick and Sheena do accept donations to help with their work, whether it be monetary or essential items to give as part of their care packages.

You can e-transfer donations to, visit the We Are Warriors Magazine Facebook page, or you can visit their GoFundMe page. All money raised will be going toward providing basic necessities for the individuals they meet.

In the first three days, their GoFundMe has surpassed its goal of $5,000 and has raised over $82,000.

Take a listen to the full conversation with Nick and Sheena below: