A local piano player has teamed up with a provincial senior's organization to play some throwback tunes for those suffering from age-related memory issues.  

Talented musician Lorne Jackson teamed with the Seniors’ Centre Without Walls Saskatchewan in late September for an hour once a week to bring happiness and joy through music in a virtual setting. 

The Moose Jaw pianist plays a wide variety of music for those tuning in including an electric mix of gospel, country, rock, blues, folk, traditional, and holiday music. 

“I try to play pieces that are calming,” says Jackson. “I try to play pieces that people have heard in the past and maybe haven’t heard in 20 years, but there’s a memory there. I try to play in a relaxed sort of way, I speed up and then slow down and if you want to go to sleep, I’ll let you fall asleep. That’s the type of music I play.  

“Another thing I do is try to come up with a story about each piece,” adds Jackson. “Maybe Doris Day sang it, maybe Frank Sinatra, and sometimes I come up with stories about the musicians and I’m never too old to learn.” 

Jackson began with Seniors’ Centre Without Walls Saskatchewan on Sept. 23 and will continue his piano magic until Dec. 30. He plays every Friday from 10:00-11:00 a.m. He performs from his house over a conference call for those that want to attend.  

“They get to chat at the start and then I get to play for them for the hour and it’s just cover songs. Theoretically, it’s supposed to just be for those hooked up in Saskatchewan, but somehow groups in Ontario and in BC are able to be connected. It’s like a Zoom program but instead of pictures it’s all done on the phone.” 

The program is free and is open to anyone in Saskatchewan over the age of 55. Those interested can enjoy Jackson’s music from the comfort of their home – on their phone in a conference call format.  

To register people can phone 306-631-4357 or email swwsask@gmail.com 

This isn’t the first time Jackson has volunteered his time to bring the sweet sound of music to seniors within the Moose Jaw community. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Jackson was a regular act at several Moose Jaw seniors’ facilities.  

“Places like Mulberry and The Bentley I used to go there before the pandemic with songbooks, for a way to be active and do things. I would have them singing along while I played and I had a number of songs in the book.” 

Jackson says that he also would visit Pioneer Lodge and Providence Place and sing songs for the residents and those locations. Unfortunately, the pandemic shut down his volunteer efforts, which is the reason why he decided to team up with SCWW.  

Seniors’ Centre Without Walls Saskatchewan is funded in part by the federal government’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. They offer many different programs such as Bosses, Seniors Without Wheels, Home Care and Supports, Pen Pal Program, and the Friends on the Phone Program.  

The SCWW provides opportunities to socialize, learn new skills and stay connected from the comfort of home. New programs and topics are added regularly. 

You find more information about the SWCC and the programs they offer in Moose Jaw HERE.