Charlie and Louise Meacher have been named Notoriously Good Neighbours for the month of May by the City of Moose Jaw and Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce. 

The Meachers were described as the “perfect” neighbours by their nominator Tracey Edwards. 

“Charlie and Louise have been blowing and shoveling my mother’s yard for years,” Edwards said in her submission. “They never miss a chance to give a greeting verbally or with home baked goods.” 

Edwards said the Meachers are always willing to lend a helping hand and often pitch in where they can to help Edwards’ 95-year-old mother. 

The City of Moose Jaw and the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce’s Notoriously Good Neighbour program recognizes that generous and kind-hearted neighbours that go above and beyond to make a difference in our community. 

For being named the Notoriously Good Neighobours for May, the Meachers received gift certificates to the Tunnels of Moose Jaw. 

Do you have a Notoriously Good Neighbour? You can nominate them using the Report an Issue feature on the City of Moose Jaw website or on the City of Moose Jaw app.