Moose Jaw’s Donald Booth received the 2024 Technology Professional of the Year Award from the Technology Professionals Saskatchewan over the weekend. 

Booth currently works as the manager of technical services for Colliers. His main duties are looking after municipal operations and land development consulting. 

The award is “bestowed upon registrants who have distinguished themselves in their professional career and have brought recognition and credit to applied science/engineering technology. It recognizes professional life – whether technical practice or such areas as management, teaching and administration.” 

“It was definitely a surprise and it’s an honour to be nominated for such an award. There are quite a few other people that are with the organization and a lot of them do some really good work on a day-to-day basis and it’s quite an honour to be nominated and to have received the award,” Booth said. 

Booth graduated from Vanier Collegiate in 2001 and attended Saskatchewan Polytechnic where he completed the business certificate, marketing diploma and administration diploma. 

He immediately went into the workforce with a legal survey firm doing oilfield surveying. However, he went back to Sask Polytech to complete the civil engineering technologies program. 

Booth has it was his brother that inspired him to get into civil engineering technologies. 

“He finished it and he was part of some really exciting projects and so I actually had the opportunity, because I was still with the legal survey firm at the time, to take the geomatics program or the civil program and ended up choosing the civil program because of my brother. It looked like it was treating him very well with the types of projects that he got to be involved in,” Booth explained. 

He graduated from that program in 2010 and went right into starting his career in civil engineering. Booth said he had a headstart with his former experience in geomatics and advanced fairly quickly due to his educational background, tech skills and diplomas he has earned through Sask Polytech. 

Booth has been a member of the Technology Professionals Saskatchewan since he was a student and has a Certified Science Technologist designation. 

Technology Professionals Saskatchewan is the regulatory body for technologists and technicians in the province.