A new lawyer appeared for a man accused of attempted murder in Moose Jaw Provincial Court on Wednesday.

Lawyer Nick Brown appeared via telephone on behalf of Kyle Peeace. Being new to the file, Brown asked for more time to receive all of the disclosure.

Suzanne Young, acting provincial Crown prosecutor, noted that Peeace has indicated in the past that he was anxious for the case to move forward and she was unsure if Peeace has had a show cause hearing.

Young added that the file has been adjourned multiple times because it has been dealt with through numerous defence counsels. Peeace dismissed his legal aid-appointed counsel during a court appearance on Jan. 3.

"It's been for some time that this matter has been kicking around with no movement on it," Young said.

Judge Brian Hendrickson inquired whether Peeace might be eligible for a Section 525 hearing. Section 525 allows for an automatic review of jail terms if a trial for an indictable offence is delayed longer than 90 days and there has not been a bail hearing.

Hendrickson adjourned the case to Feb. 15 for either a bail hearing or set dates for a Section 525 hearing.

Kyle was charged with attempted murder following an alleged machete attack in downtown Moose Jaw on Sept. 28 and is co-accused with his brother Dillon Peeace.