

Those three men accused of poaching ducks on a Saskatchewan pond and posting the video on YouTube will not be going to jail.

The three were in court Monday and said they had no idea that what they were doing was against the law.  The judge in the case showed some mercy on the men when it came time for sentencing. Jeremy Rowlands was fined $6,000 while David and James Fraser were each fined $5,000.

The Frasers had just moved to Cudworth, Saskatchewan from Ontario and were out with their brother in law while the video was being made. The tape was then posted on the Internet and created a fire storm when law abiding hunters and wildlife enthusiasts saw it two weeks ago. 

The men pled guilty to unlawful hunting, hunting out of season, firing a gun from a vehicle and leaving edible game to be wasted. All firearms involved were seized as well as the camera used. The men are not allowed to apply for a hunting permit in Canada for a year and are not allowed to apply in Saskatchewan for three years.

None of the three men have jobs and will have to apply for community service to pay their fines.