

The three men who posted a video on Youtube of them shooting at ducks made their first appearance in court Monday morning and will make another appearance in the afternoon.

30 year old David Fraser, his 23 year old brother James Fraser, along with their brother in law Jeremy Rowlands, are expected to plead guilty to 15 federal and provincial charges.

Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Executive Director Darrell Crabbe, "We're very, very happy to see that the enforcement people were able to effect some charges on Saturday morning and it was just great to see, with the help of the media and certainly the hunting community and other conservationist in the province that you know were so disturbed by the video and what went on in there."

Crabbe says these men do not reflect hunters in the province, "What happened in that video, that wasn't hunting.  Those individuals aren't hunters, nor would I venture they should ever be.  We go through a extensive training program when you decide you want to become a hunter in any province or territory in Canada and everything those guys did was in contradiction to everything we're taught."

The three men who just recently moved from Toronto to Cudworth, Saskatchewan could face a maximum penalty of six months in prison and a $300,000 fine each.