While Moose Jaw may not have experienced the deluge seen in other areas within the province, precipitation was up for the region says Terri Lang, Meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada. 

“Moose Jaw benefited very much from the wetness that we saw across much of the province, precipitation wise 62.1 millimetres compared to a 30-year average of 48 (millimetres),” said Lang.  

“That comes up to 129 percent of average and makes it about the 37th wettest May in 129 years.” 

This year marks the first time in several years that the province experienced more precipitation than average across all but one of the weather stations in Saskatchewan.  

“It’s just been so dry over the past number of years. So, for us to actually see some above average precipitation is kind of surprising,” said Lang.  

She notes that while surprising– given the abnormally dry conditions seen in years prior, this increase in rainfall is good news as it will alleviate some of the soil moisture deficits seen in the region.  

Temperature averages in the Moose Jaw area did not deviate much for what is to be expected for this time in the year. The mean temperature for Moose Jaw in May was 11.1 degrees, which is only 1 degree cooler than the normal temperature of 12.1 degrees. 

“It wasn’t a really warm or cold month, very much on par with temperatures, which is also good,” Lang explained.  

These temperature trends also reduced the intensity of the start of wildfire season. 

“We didn’t have those big smoking heat waves that we had last year in May which helped set off the whole fire season.” 

Lang notes that despite the numerous large weather systems that made their way across the province that would typically generate lightning storms the number of recorded strikes were down about 17 per cent of the average.  

She explained that the decrease was driven by the seasonal and slightly cooler temperatures experienced hampered the formation of more active thunderstorms. 

Just over 18,000 strikes were detected, compared to the average of 22,650 that is typical for the month. 

Lang explains that while the province has seen a promising amount of precipitation recently, the long-range predictions for the summer still point towards a rather warm and dry season.