The Moose Jaw Public Library launched their revamped website on Monday, May 27, and Naiomi Setter, who did most of the design and construction work, said it provides a better user experience and easier access to library services and programs. 

"The online booking system, the integrated calendar with program registration, that is something that we’re really excited about,” Setter explained. “Before, we had a program that would divert users away from the website, and then they would register on a different website, and so this (new system) keeps everybody on our website. 

“Also, we have the integrated book carousels that direct people straight to the catalogue, so if there’s an item they see that they like, they can click on it, it goes right to the catalogue, and they place a hold on the item right there.” 

The website’s improvements to user-friendliness are not the only news — The library also went through a rebrand, which meant asking lots of questions about purpose, connection, and future direction.  

Gwen Fisher, head librarian, worked with stakeholders to determine what the rebrand should look like — and to once again clarify what the library represents to the community. 

“It’s been about a year of work, going through a branding process, basically, where we redeveloped our logo and developed more of a brand story than we’ve had in the past,” Fisher explained. 

“Part of that process involved talking with the community, so we got to learn more about our users and how they feel about the library. And in response, we crafted a clearer vision of how we want to present ourselves.” 

The public link for the new website is (instead of the current, although there will be a period of transition during which former links and email addresses will continue to work. 

A few highlights the Moose Jaw Public Library wants the public to be aware of include: 

  • New programming and events calendar with online registration integrated 
  • New online room booking service 
  • New online donation form 
  • New chat/ask a librarian - this will no longer be a live chat box, but patron inquiries will still be addressed in the same time frame. Users can also direct email 
  • New integrated book carousels/recommendation lists that link directly to the catalogue so patrons can easily place holds online 
  • New Digital Services page with a full database listing as well as the option to search by category 
  • New popup database widgets on themed pages 
  • New Kids and Teens pages outlining programs and services specific to those age groups 
  • New Home Delivery Service (formerly Outreach Service) 
  • The release of the 2023 Annual Report 
  • Many more pages with new and updated information 

The new logo design is already being prominently integrated into the library’s signage, posters, nametags, and more. Fisher said the old logo originated from the rotunda area in the library entrance — and staff were a bit reluctant to part with that history. However, online tech is advancing, and an update was needed. 

“We were just running into issues with pixelation and old files that were not presenting well. So, then we ended up looking at redeveloping our logo and in the process discovered that to develop a logo, well, we really wanted to understand what we are trying to present to the community and how we are trying to welcome them into our space.” 

The new logo is a segmented flower with brighter colours than before. It recalls the rosette pattern of the old logo, but also looks like someone reading a book. The design also symbolizes how different parts of the community come together to grow at the library. 

“We have to live in curiousity here,” Fisher said. “We’re trying to promote curiousity in our community.  

“People are welcome to come here to pursue their interests. ... The library is a place of transformation and a place of trust.”