Moose Jaw and area is set to experience well above average temperatures over the next week. The forecast shows day-time highs to crest over the zero-degree mark starting Friday afternoon and remain in positive temperatures through the next week. 

Environment Canada’s Decision Support Meteorologist Samantha Mauti says, “[There is] quite a warm air mass sitting over a lot of the Prairies right now, bringing those above normal temperatures into a lot of the Prairies. So, for context, the normal high for the end of January in Moose Jaw is -8°C.” 

She goes on to say that the weather system bringing these above-normal temperatures is not usually associated with precipitation.  

Regarding the road conditions associated with potentially icy highways she advises, “I would say keep an eye on any advisories, watches, and warnings issues by Environment Canada before you head out on the roads.” 

Motorists can also check the Highway Hotline website for updates on road conditions.