Saskatchewan teachers participated in a second, one-day strike today following a continued stall in contract negotiations between the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and the provincial government. 

There were approximately 35 demonstrations across the province, with Moose Jaw teachers picketing on Thatcher Drive. 

Kent Clegg, vice president with the Prairie South Teacher’s Association spoke with us. “We’re still waiting for the government to come back to the table with some dialogue, so that they can hopefully think about providing school divisions with the funds that are needed, so that all students can get the services and the resources they need in order to be successful.” 

One of the main points of contention in negotiations surrounds class size and complexity. 

The Ministry of Education provided the following statement:


The Government of Saskatchewan is disappointed with the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation’s (STF) most recent announcement on job action.

The Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee (GTBC) has put forward a fair deal for teachers with a 7 per cent raise over three years, ensuring Saskatchewan teachers remain paid above the Western Canadian Average. The GTBC remains at the table, ready to discuss competitive salary and benefits but cannot negotiate without the STF at the table as well.

Outside of the collective bargaining process, the Government of Saskatchewan have said we are actively working to address concerns around class size and complexity and we are doing exactly what we said we would with a $53.1 million investment towards enrolment and complexity, a teacher-led innovation and support fund, and specialized support classroom pilot projects.

There are 21 tables actively negotiating and it is our hope that the STF will come back to the table and be one of them.


The STF must give at least 48 hours’ notice prior to enacting job action such as a strike. We will provide further information on job action as it is provided.