Saskatchewan Girl Guides units in Moose Jaw, Melfort, Regina, and Saskatoon have teamed up to fundraise.  

The groups are selling a cookbook, looking to raise money for trips to Ontario in 2025 and Europe in 2026. Recipes in the book come from Girl Guides and their families.  

“Each book is $15 – Preorders are due by March 31. The books will be half-letter page in size, coil-bound, with a plastic protective cover,” explained Ophelia, a Ranger with the Girl Guides.

Mya, a Pathfinder with the Girl Guides, explained what people can expect. “Some of the categories that will be in will be in it will be appies and snacks, soups and salads, side dishes, main dishes, desserts, baking goods, breakfasts or brunches, and camp favourites.” 

Pathfinder Brooklin also wants people to know that Girl Guides are actively selling their chocolate and vanilla cookies. “They’re $6 a box. We will be selling them at different locations. Normally we sell them at the mall, so you can find us there, and you can look at the Facebook page to find when we will be selling our Girl Guide cookies.” 

If you’re interested in a cookbook, you can send them a message on the Moose Jaw Girl Guides Facebook here.