The crop report for May 21, to 27, 2024 has been released, that shows seeding operations within the province are closing the gap between current progress and the five-year and ten-year averages for this time in previous seasons. 

“Producers have made significant progress this week, with seeding now 77 per cent complete in Saskatchewan,” said Meghan Rosso, Crops Extension Specialist. “This does fall behind the five-year average of 91 per cent, and the ten-year average of 89 per cent.” 

She goes on to say that this is due to moisture delays seen in the province earlier in the season, but that it did improve moisture conditions across the board. 

Improvements have been seen in crop emergence, which is reported as good to excellent condition and topsoil moisture levels are also showing improvement over this time last year. 

Within the province, the southeast portion is the furthest along in its seeding progress, with 84 percent complete, followed by the southwest at 83 percent.  

Seeding operations in the east-central and west-central regions trail slightly at 73 per cent and 71 per cent respectively. The northeast region is currently at 68 per cent completed. 

Field peas and lentils are furthest ahead in their seeding progress, at 92 per cent and 91 per cent, respectively, with chickpeas and soybeans reported at 78 per cent and 51 per cent. 

As for progress on cereal crops, durum and spring wheat are furthest ahead at 87 per cent and 84 per cent, respectively. Barley is at 76 per cent, with oats at 67 per cent completion. 

Triticale and canary seed both sit at 66 per cent completion, with oilseeds such as mustard, canola, and flax at 78 percent, 71 per cent, and 67 percent, respectively. 

Perennial forages are reported at 49 per cent completion. 

Continued improvement is being seen in topsoil moisture levels compared to years prior, with moisture levels reported at 3 per cent surplus, 89 per cent adequate, and 13 per cent short in cropland. 

Hayland moisture levels are reported as being two per cent surplus, 85 per cent adequate, and 13 per cent short. 

Pasture topsoil is similar, reporting two per cent surplus, 83 per cent adequate, 13 per cent short, and two per cent very short. 

Crop emergence across the province is reported by producers as good, with the majority of crops that have emerged being in excellent to good condition. Lentils show the best reported condition thus far, with 37 per cent rated as excellent and 59 per cent rated as good. This is followed by field peas at 32 per cent excellent and 62 per cent good and chickpeas at 31 per cent excellent and 67 per cent good. Soybeans are rated at 95 per cent in excellent condition. 

Cereal crops are faring well with winter wheat at an estimated 20 per cent excellent and 72 per cent good, with fall rye showing 15 per cent excellent and 72 per cent good. Durum crops are reported as being 32 per cent excellent and 63 per cent good.  

This is followed by spring wheat at 26 per cent excellent and 65 per cent good. 

The rating of mostly excellent or good continues through to other cereal crops, triticale is at the top with 33 per cent rated as excellent and 60 per cent good, followed by oats at 22 per cent excellent and 71 per cent good.  

As for the condition of barley in the province, it is reported at 28 per cent excellent and 66 per cent good, with canary seed rated at 27 per cent excellent and 62 per cent good. 

The trend continues into oilseed crops, with mustard reported to be 30 per cent excellent and 60 per cent good. Flax is similar at 25 per cent excellent and 63 per cent good, followed by canola with crops that have emerged thus far showing a rating of 24 per cent excellent and 62 per cent good. 

“Crop damage has been minor to date. A few producers have noted light frost and areas with excessive water, but limited crop damage,” said Rosso. “Overall, flea beetle and cutworm activity has been noted, with some producers taking control measures.” 

Rosso notes that some regions have observed grasshoppers beginning to hatch, but no damage has been reported as a result at this time. 

It is anticipated that producers will wrap up seeding within the next week if weather permits. 

As producers continue with seeding and field work operations, they are encouraged to take safety precautions in all the work that they do. The Farm Stress Line can help by providing support for producers toll free at 1-800-667-4442.  

A complete, printable version of the Crop Report is available online - Download Crop Report at