Moose Jaw’s Southwest Daycare and Early Learning Centre (SWDC) has received another round of community support and boost in funding towards their ‘Raise the Roof’ campaign, which aims to complete renovations and repairs to their original location on the 500 block of 4th avenue Southwest. 

Recently, SWDC received a donation of $10,000 from the Moose Jaw Kinsmen Club, propelling the ‘Raise the Roof’ campaign up to $91,918 out of their $200,000 goal. 

“Their main objective is getting out into the community, so we were very lucky that they chose our Raising the Roof project to donate to,” said Lucille Gilliland, executive director of SWDC. 

This substantial support from the Kinsmen Club is part of the outpouring of community support experienced throughout the repair and renovation of the centre. 

The impact SWDC has left on the children and families it has helped over the years is far-reaching, drawing in donations and support from not only current attendees, but also from past families as far away as Winnepeg. 

Now sitting at just below 50 per cent of their goal, the fundraising campaign for SWDC continues with several events on the horizon. 

“On (Thursday) June 20, we are going to be going to Circle K on Main Street for a barbeque that the Patel family is hosting for us. They’ve had a bunch of donors contribute to it, and everything they make from that barbeque fundraiser will come right back to our Raising the Roof campaign,” explained Stephanie Ramsey, Chairperson on the Board of Directors. “We’re hoping to see everybody out there.” 

Members of SWDC will be on site with signs and providing educational experiences about what members of the childcare sector do and informing attendees about the ‘Raising the Roof’ campaign. 

Staff and the families of children in the SWDC program are also participating in a locally sponsored fundraiser. Partnering with Fellinger’s Meats to get the community ready for the summer and barbeque season. 

“We’ve asked them to reach out to friends and family. We added the incentive for every $150 they get in total orders their names get entered to win one of the packs that Fellinger’s puts together, that was graciously donated by one of our members that are involved with the centre,” Ramsey said. 

SWDC has also made a series of ‘Raising the Roof’ hats, which are available in multiple styles — in both adult and children's sizes — which can be purchased through the daycare. 

The renovations and repairs to the SWDC original location are nearing completion and the staff at the centre are anticipating a full return by the end of summer. 

“That will be nice for us because then we’ll have our preschool all ready to go in September,” said Gilliland. “We’re hoping to get back to being at home.” 

Support has been pouring in from as far away as Manitoba, showing just how much the work done by the SWDC team has resonated with past and present clients. 

 “One of our letters came from Winnepeg. The family moved to Winnepeg, and we were just so delighted when we opened the card and the children had done a wonderful little picture for us inside,” said Gilliland. 

The members of the SWDC team expressed their gratitude for the community that has come together to support the centre through this difficult time. 

“I would like to take an opportunity to thank everyone who has helped us in any way, whether it’s in kind services, financial donations, and just coming out and supporting our Raising the Roof campaign,” said Gilliland. “It is greatly, greatly appreciated, and I just want to thank everyone from the bottle of our hearts.”