Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF) is looking for donations of old antlers, guns, hunting, and fishing equipment.  

If you come across items for donation during your spring-cleaning efforts, you can give them to SWF in exchange for a tax-deductible receipt from their Guns for Habitat and Antlers for Habitat initiatives.  

Darren Newberry, director of habitat lands with SWF, says this program has been in place for over two decades. “In the spring we usually do a callout for people that have firearms that they no longer wish to use anymore.” 

The donation process is the same for antlers, and other hunting or fishing equipment. 

Newberry noted that they only accept non-restricted firearms.  

“We turn around and we sell them, and then we use the money to purchase wildlife habitat within the province of Saskatchewan.” 

He said it’s easy to donate anywhere in Saskatchewan. “We just ask that people give us a call here at the office, and we can arrange for one of our staff or a local member to pick it up right at a person’s house.” 

After items are sold, donors will receive a tax receipt for their donation. SWF has raised over $300,000 through these donations to date. 

You can reach SWF at 306-692-8812.