The Saskatchewan Teacher's Federation gave 48-hour notice on Monday that noon-hour supervision will be withdrawn on Thursday.

This means teachers will not be available to supervise students who are eating lunch at school or taking part in noon-hour activities. Teachers will not be in the building during each school's lunch break. According to the STF, lunch-hour supervision is done voluntarily by teachers.

Under The Education Act, 1995, it is the responsibility of the school boards to provide the appropriate level of supervision for students. School divisions will be communicating with parents and caregivers of operational and schedule changes due to this job action.

At Holy Trinity Catholic School Division, noon-hour supervision is conducted by CUPE staff members so the job action will have minimal impact on Holy Trinity schools.

Administration with the Prairie South School Division is asking that your children go home for lunch as their ability to provide the same level of noon-hour supervision will be a challenge.

The teachers and the provincial government continue to be far apart on key issues including class sizes and complexity.