So, local author and historian Bruce Fairman sparked quite a conversation on Facebook yesterday with this:  "Every kid had one corner store that defined their childhood.  What was yours?  What was special about it for you?  Tell us your stories."

Well, as of this morning, that post garnered over 400 comments and stories.

You'll remember some of them like Blackie's and The Pantry Shelf and Mo and Mac's.  Other locals remember C & T Confectionary and Big Jim's and Brother's Confectionery.  Others remember Rex's and Toy's and Dad's.

In my neighbourhood we had Cohen Drugs at 9th and Francis and Elgin Park Grocery just two blocks south and Martha's Coffee Bar two blocks south of that at 9th and Caribou.  We even had a hardware store a few blocks away on 7th Avenue just north of Minto Grocery which we just called Tom's store.  

Those were good days and it's fun to reminisce but, you know what?  There's still a handful of those independent corner stores and grocery stores out there.  You might consider stopping into one this week during this, Small Business Week.