Not even Health Minister Len Taylor can give us a timeline when it comes to the Moose Jaw Union Hospital expansion.


We've been told before that expansion at the Union Hospital is a "high priority". Well, Wednesday we heard it again and this time from Minister of Health Len Taylor.

Minister Taylor was in town to tour the Hemodialysis Unit at the Union Hospital. We asked the Health Minister just how high on the provincial priority list the expansion is.

"When one thinks the province is likely to approve four or five capital projects per year and Moose Jaw is on the top ten out of some 46 or 50 projects then that's high on the priority list. We are looking at fitting into the top of the provincial priorities within the first or the second budgets of the two coming years."

Taylor says the province is in the process of evaluating facilities and the capital program with announcements regarding additional capital expenditures being made in the spring.