Get a free t-shirt, access to sessions, and an opportunity to meet Canadian authors. 

Those are some of the perks of volunteering with the Saskatchewan Festival of Words, which will be happening in Moose Jaw from July 18 through 21.  

Amanda Farnel, operations manager with the Saskatchewan Festival of Words, said they’re looking for introducers, stats takers, and ticket takers.  

“Introducers for our reading sessions at the library do an introduction, and then timing each author to make sure that they know that they’re not going on too long, and then moderating the Q and A afterwords,” explained Farnel. 

Stats takers track attendees entering sessions, including information on the type of pass people are using for the session. “That’s really useful for our statistics collecting.” 

Ticket takers assist by collecting tickets as people enter a session.  

“Wherever you volunteer, you can fully go into the session for free,” explained Farnel. “We have some people who do that, who just go from session to session volunteering, and you can attend the whole festival for free that way.” 

For more information, you can find a link to sign up to volunteer for sessions here, or by emailing 

They do ask that first-time volunteers not sign up for author introductions.  

Find more on the Festival of Words here.