

The headline is correct! The 2010 World Junior Hockey Championships are coming to Moose Jaw. Moose Jaw will see a pre-competition game the week of December 20th. The teams that will be playing here will be announced in the next few months.

"To have it here is going to be amazing. I have no doubt that Moose Jaw is going to sell this thing out regardless of who's playing really." said Vice President of the World Junior Pre-Competition Committee Mark Stefan.

Weyburn, Swift Current, Prince Albert, Unity and Humboldt have also been awarded games the same week.

"The Civic Centre I think has a huge advantage compared to a smaller community like Unity.  But it's all about the attitude and enthusiasm.  Really it comes back to issues with cameras and media, as long as we can accommodate them to make sure the game is well broadcast and televised around the country, then we're good to go", Stefan said.

Warriors season ticket holders can get their hands on tickets right now. Sales to the general public start October 1st.  Prices will be $20 for season ticket holders and $25 for those without.