The weather is shaping up to be beautiful this weekend, with a brief period of colder temperatures early next week.  

Kyle McAulay, operational meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, said milder temperatures are expected for the next several days. “Until early next week, where a cold front comes through, and temperatures return closer to seasonal around Monday night [or] Tuesday.” 

He said the reason for the colder temperatures early next week is an Alberta clipper, which might bring light snows or brief showers starting on Monday. “That situation may change still, but that’s currently what looks like may happen.” 

The clipper could come with 60 to 70 km winds, with the potential to cool us down to a low of minus 23 by Monday, turning to a low of minus 18 by Tuesday night.  

After the system passes through, we’re looking to a return to temperatures hovering around 0 with minimal precipitation starting on Wednesday and into the foreseeable future.