Carnie's Comments


Did you go out to eat on the weekend?

I did. I paid $24.00 for a delicious breakfast for two. That's about as good a deal as you can get these days.

The fact is, many of our locally owned restaurants are struggling to make ends meet. The rising costs are getting to them. Like us, they're all faced with the increases in what we pay for food along with increases in property tax and utilities.

A friend of mine who owns and operates a well-established diner shared some numbers on social media on the weekend.

"Power and energy for the last month were $4,081.00 at the restaurant...but nothing new," he wrote. "What is new? $794.34 of that is carbon tax. And my favourite part? The $39.77 in GST on the carbon tax."

That just doesn't seem fair, does it? 

Restaurants Canada recently found 53% of restaurants across the country are operating at a loss these days.

What can we do about it? Well, we all need to get engaged in federal politics and do our part at the voting polls when the next election takes place.

In the meantime, we can do our best to support our locally owned, independent restaurants in our own communities.