Carnie's Comments


This is what we call the daily commentary. It's "Carnie's Comments".

I write and recite it with an eye on keeping it to around 60 seconds. I've been doing it for about 15 years now.

Sometimes I talk about serious issues that impact you and me but lately I've been trying to keep it light. We need more jocularity in our lives, don't we?

I wondered how having more fun might be accepted by listeners and those who read the piece on our local news website and then I got a timely email from a guy named George.

"I am a casual reader of your column and lately I've been very amused by them. The stories are really funny," he wrote.

George said a couple of the pieces had him "in stiches" and both "could be successful stand-up bits".

He also suggested putting a book together with a collection of the "best, funniest and most memorable stories".

In fact, George said he'd "buy and enjoy it".

Thanks, George. I needed that. 

You know what else I need? An agent. George?