Carnie's Comments


It's time for Twitter Tuesday - I find the best of the best from the Twitterati.

This one could be directed at me, "I don't know which is worse, people stealing your Tweets or people not stealing your Tweets."

I like this, "Twitter - it always makes me feel better about my education."

Here's an aging gal I follow who says, "I got a hitch in my get-a-long and it's taking all the fun out of moseying."

This young father shares, "My son just told me he loves the new toy trucks they have at the daycare. They're his toy trucks. We donated them because he refused to play with them."

This one, "Lasagna - it sounds like a place in California."

Here's a friend taking a shot, "Did you know there's now a 1-800 number you can call if you feel the urge to post your Wordle score?"

And one more from a witty fellow who Tweets, "People who use big words annoy me. Unequivocally pestiferous."