Carnie's Comments


It's time for the best from the best of the Twitterati on Twitter Tuesday.

Here's a Sasky girl who shares, "I wonder if my heating pad thinks I'm cheating on it when I sleep with my electric blanket."

This guy Tweets, "I never imagined that being an adult would mean having a shelf full of mugs that I never use but can't throw away because I'm emotionally attached to them."

Here's a young woman who writes, "My mom gave me a coffee mug that says 'Be your own kind of beautiful' and I’m really trying not to read too much into that."

I like this, "Never give up on your dreams. If cauliflower can be pizza crust and zucchini can be noodles then you too can be anything you want."

A question, "Exactly how am I supposed to 'Live, Laugh, Love' in this economy?"

A funny gal I follow says, "It's important to remember that not everyone appreciates sarcasm. Just kidding! Who cares?"

And one more from a guy who Tweets, "I would like to have an old '57 Chevy but I also get super annoyed when it takes too long for my car's Bluetooth to connect so, you can see my dilemma."