Carnie's Comments


It's time for Twitter Tuesday! I find the best from the best on X, the social media platform we still call Twitter.

Let's start with this, "Hello Twitter, my old friend, I've come to waste my time again."

A question answered, "Why is it good luck to say break a leg to an actor? Because every play needs a cast."

I like this, "It has been reported that the Beatles museum is now open 8 days a week."

Here's a married man who declares, "No man has ever won a game of 'notice anything different'."

Can you relate to this Tweet? "When I was a kid there were two ways to die - natural causes and talking back to your parents."

A young woman shares, "Being an adult is just a constant loop of maintenance for everything: house, car, body, sanity."

And one more from a funny fella I follow who writes, "I'm watching TV with closed captioning for the same reason many people of a certain age do, because I'm eating chips."