Country 100, 800 CHAB and Silver Star Salvage & Recycling are fueling farms and fields across Southern Saskatchewan with Farmer Appreciation – Seeding Edition! You can enter your crew now HERE. Tell us about your operation and upload a photo. You could win a gift certificate for lunch from Deja Vu Cafe and a Canadian Tire Gift Card for your farm and a farm of your choice. Plus, all entries qualify for the GRAND PRIZE: 1000 dollars’ worth of FMC’s Express SG.

Today's lucky winner was Andrew Bitz from the Chamberlain area. Andrew had entered and won and paid it forward to Scottland Acres n who also won a gift certificate for lunch from Deja Vu Cafe and a Canadian Tire Gift Card. Country 100's Courtney Fielder called up Andrew to let him know he was today's winner and to check in on how seeding has been going: