Country 100, 800 CHAB and Silver Star Salvage & Recycling are fueling farms and fields across Southern Saskatchewan with Farmer Appreciation – Seeding Edition! You can enter your crew now HERE. Tell us about your operation and upload a photo. You could win a gift certificate for lunch from Deja Vu Cafe and a Canadian Tire Gift Card for your farm and a farm of your choice. Plus, all entries qualify for the GRAND PRIZE: 1000 dollars’ worth of FMC’s Express SG.

Today's lucky winner was Elaine Mckeown from 12 miles west of Moose Jaw Elaine had entered and won and paid it forward to Vern Froelhich who also won a gift certificate for lunch from Deja Vu Cafe and a Canadian Tire Gift Card. Country 100's Courtney Fielder called up  Elaine to let her know she was today's winner and to check in on how seeding has been going: