All the signs are there, the attack ads, the name-calling, the promises, the fighting between the two main parties, and even the candidate signs. Don't be fooled, there is an election campaign underway in Saskatchewan.


A provincial election hasn't been called but campaigning seems to be in full swing.

You've likely heard all about the NDP's "wolf in sheep's clothing" campaign by now. The Sask. Party appears to be brushing that off accusing the NDP of using "scare tactics"

Sask. Party Leader Brad Wall says both Warren Michelson and Gwen Beitel, the Sask. Party candidates in Moose Jaw North and Moose Jaw Wakamow are working hard.

"They're working and they key is to get out there on the doorstep and meet people, find out about their issues, and deal with some of the fear tactics from the NDP. There's no better way than to get on the door steps and dispel some of the nonsense."

Wall is confidant is Beitel's campaigning experience and says Michelson is a well-known candidate not just in Moose Jaw but around the province.

And Wall has made the first promise of the election campaign, promising to establish the Saskatchewan Infrastructure Growth Initiative. He says its part of a long-term answer to some of the housing issues in the province.

Wall says his plan to help municipalities develop more residential and commercial lots.

"Its very expensive for municipalities to try and keep up with the demand and open up new lots. It can be up to 25 thousand dollars for a lot in a developed area and up to 40 thousand dollars in an undeveloped area so should we form the new government we'd implement the Saskatchewan Infrastructure Growth Initiative which would be a 300 million dollar, 5 year interest free program for municipalities to bring on new lots, residential and commercial."

The new program could result in the development of 12,000 new residential lots, or a combination of new residential, industrial and commercial lots.