Moose Jaw Family Services is looking to double the membership of their board.  

The organization offers various resources and programs to families and individuals, including counselling services, a Living Independent Program, and the Young Parent Program. The Regina and Area Sexual Assault Centre also operates a satellite office out of their building.  

Tara Jones, executive director with Moose Jaw Family Services, said they’ve currently got four board members, but would like to up that number to eight. “Moose Jaw Family Services is in a growth phase right now, and being on our board really means you get to be behind the driving force of where we’re going, and how we’re going to look in the future.” 

“We’ve got people on our board that have a background in HR, and people that have a background in accounting, and people that have a background in mental health. We do have some great people on our board, but we’d just like to add to that,” she said.  

While they are looking for people to bring a variety of experiences to the board, Jones said that someone with a legal background would be a helpful addition.  

Meetings take place quarterly but could happen more regularly if needed.  

Jones said that previously, board members have assisted during leadership changes and helped with managing finances. “They’re not in the day-to-day work of what we do here, but they’re helping guide us and direct us.” 

Moose Jaw Family Services will be holding their Annual General Meeting on June 18 at 5 p.m. at their office at 200 Main Street South. “Anyone that’s interested to hear about how our last year has gone, things that we’ve got going forward hopefully into the next year, or hear about our financial statements, they’re welcome to join us.” 

Potential board members will have to fill out an application form and get a criminal record check. Anyone interested in learning more can e-mail them at