More weather records were broken in the Moose Jaw area on Wednesday.

According to Environment Canada, Assiniboia broke a record with a high of 13.9, breaking the old record of 11 degrees set in 1992. Coronach reached 15.2 degrees on Wednesday to beat the previous record of 10.5 degrees set in 1992. Elbow had a high of 8.7 degrees to break the previous record of 6 degrees set in 1992. Last Mountain Lake got up to 6.8 degrees, besting the previous record of 5.5 degrees set in 2012. Finally, Rockglen has a high of 16.3, smashing the old record of 8.1 set in 1993.

Here in Moose Jaw, we reached 11.6 degrees, which was just shy of the record of 13.9 degrees set in 1931.

In total, 18 weather records fell in the province on Wednesday.