Staff, students, and teachers celebrated the opening of Ecole Ducharme Tuesday on the site of the old Alexandra School.


They laughed, they toured and tried to get settled in Tuesday but today, students at Moose Jaw's newest school will get down to business and hit the books.

Students and staff at Ecole Ducharme, formerly L'Ecole Fransaskoise de Moose Jaw, opening up their new facility Tuesday. Located on the former site of our historic Alexandra School, Principal Louise Fafard is pleased to say parts of the old school have been tastefully incorporated into the new building. "There were two things that we were able to do. We were able to take the old archway off of Alexandra School and incorporate into as our archway at the entrance of our school. Also we took the capella off Alexandra School and built it as a little gazebo area just in front of the school."

Ecole Ducharme is a K to 12 school. 55 students are enrolled in the facility named after Abbe' Roger Ducharme. 87 year old Father Ducharme has dedicated his life to education and, in fact, has already paid a visit to the new school.