Congratulations to Jacob Carrobourg of Coderre, Saskatchewan. He is our 2020 Rancher Round up winner. He has 600+ cattle in his heard and work hard day in and day out solo on his ranch. We rounded up a TON of prizes from our generous sponsors! Jacob has won himself: 

Kattle Kountry Vet- A gift certificate for a combination of professional services and inforce intranasal calf vaccine

TRichard Contracting Ltd- A gift certififcate towards labour on roofing or siding contract

Moose Jaw Truck Shop - A gift certificate towards labour

Streets Steakhouse & Bar - $25 gift certificate

J.B. Sausage- A gift basket of spices and a $50 gift card.

A big thank you again to all of those who entered in and to our amazing sponsors: 

JB Sausage

Streets Steakhouse

Kattle Kountry

TRichard Contracting

Heartland Livestock

MJ Truck Shop