Another multiplex meeting is coming up Tuesday at Westmount School so we can voice our opinions on the project and to learn more information.


The second of 4 multiplex public forums is coming up Tuesday night in Moose Jaw.

The last meeting saw more than 200 people show up to get more information and to ask questions about the proposed 40 million dollar project.

Councilor Dawn Luhning says this step in the project is very important to the end result. "I fully expected that there would be a good turn out... and its great to see so many people come out and express their opinions really on all sides and its just good to see."

Luhning adds we need to have these consultations in order to have a project that reflects our community. "I think that any time myself as a councilor can get more information from the public on a project that is going to affect all of us in the community is very important in the process."

You can express your thoughts and concerns at Tuesday's meeting set for 7 o'clock at Westmount School.