Saskatchewan Party Leader Brad Wall is fed up with the condition of our highway network and wants to see fuel taxes pay for the upgrades.


Saskatchewan Party Leader Brad Wall is calling for a serious, long-term plan for replacing Saskatchewan’s highways instead of the defeatism and denial shown by the NDP government.

At the conclusion of his summer tour, Wall says putting back into highways what it collects in fuel taxes would be a good start. "The minister has said this summer that the highways system is unsustainable and its almost as if they've given up. Well, how about a plan? How about a government that says 'no we're not going to give up.' This is the infrastructure for the economy, these means safe roads, and this means tourism. We're going to come up with a plan to get the job done and at least reinvest the fuel taxes into the highways."

Wall also repeated his call for the federal government to mandate a 10 per cent ethanol blend for gasoline and 5 per cent for bio-diesel.