An impasse has been declared by the Saskatchewan Government and General Employee's Union (SGEU) in their contract negotiations with the Government of Saskatchewan.

Over 11,000 members of the union have been working since September 30, 2022, without a contract. 

The union’s priorities include catch-up wage increases tied to the cost of living, enhanced mental health sick leave, enhanced salary provisions when employees performing essential services are required to keep working during a pandemic, and a modest increase to pensions.

Over the past few years, our members on the frontlines have dealt with a pandemic, a mental health and addictions crisis, a cost-of-living crisis, and an unprecedented wildfire season, said Lori Bossaer, Chair of SGEU’s Public Service/Government Employment Negotiating Committee.

“These dedicated employees provide important programs and services to Saskatchewan residents, and they deserve to have a collective agreement that recognizes and supports the work they do.”

The next step is to appoint a mediator or conciliator to assist both parties in reaching a satisfactory collective bargaining agreement. The union has sent a request to the Minister of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety requesting a mediator or conciliator.