Temple Gardens Shareholders vote yes in favour of selling their shares to HPVC out of Manitoba.


Shareholders in the Temple Gardens Mineral Spa met Thursday night for a vote on whether or not to sell their shares in the tourist hot spot to a Winnipeg based company.

Spa CEO Deb Thorn tells us it was nearly unanimous as shareholders voted yes to the HPVC offer of $3.65 for each share. "I believe there was out of 4.2 million voting shares there were only about 3 thousand votes against the transaction."

So with that HPVC out of Winnipeg and the shareholders will begin to work on the final documents to make the transaction official. The final work is expected to be done in early September.

Thorn calls this the next great step in the history of the spa and says nothing will change when it comes to how the facility is operated of how it reflects the community of Moose Jaw. The only change that is on the radar is a possible expansion.