Tourism Moose Jaw will have a lovely look soon, as they will receive a garden, consisting of 700 red and white tulip bulbs as part of the 70th Anniversary Dutch-Canadian Friendship Tulip Gardens.

Michelle Blakely of Tourism Moose Jaw gives us some background on this program.

"This year marks the 70th anniversary when we liberated the Netherlands after World War 2. The royal princess was also born in Canada, which is why we receive tulips. Now we are celebrating so younger generations can understand what Canada had done."

Blakely says it was an honor for them to be chosen to receive this garden of tulips.

"It was part of a grant application that we applied for. They had over 400 applicants, so we are very excited to be the location of one of these gardens."

The flowers will be planted on Wednesday, October 7th at 10:00 a.m. in front of the Tourism Visitor Centre.