If you want to partake in summer sunshine and exercise, the Mosaic Community Food Farm & Orchard is looking for some additional volunteers. 

Tasks that need to be done include planting seeds, adding mulch, watering plants, and participating in the never-ending pulling of weeds. In the fall, they’ll also be looking for help with harvest. 

The partnership for the farm and orchard has existed between Mosaic Company and Wakamow Valley Authority for many years. Food grown by the farm is supplied to organizations including the Moose Jaw & District Food Bank, Riverside Mission, Hunger in Moose Jaw, and the Moose Jaw Multicultural Council. 

"It is a very vast area, and it requires a lot of hands,” said Donna MacQuarrie-Bye, general manager with Wakamow Valley Authority. “The more hands, the lighter the work.” 

She said that they are somewhat behind this year with the rain that the area has received, though most of the root vegetables have now been planted.  

MacQuarrie-Bye said the time commitment from volunteers is not a static number, but they’d like it to be a minimum of an hour-and-a-half to two hours at a time. “It’s kind of open to what people’s schedules are, or what they’ve got available for time as well.” 

“It’s very quiet and very serene down there, so I can see why people would want to stay down there for the entire day,” she added. 

There is no minimum age for volunteers. Anyone interested can give MacQuarrie-Bye a call at 306-692-2717.