Carnie's Comments


An old high school friend reached out to me recently, wondering if we could get the word out on the radio about their upcoming 40-year high school reunion. It's for the class of '85. The organizers are having a hard time getting in touch with a few of their former classmates.

It was back in 2009 I helped out the organizing committee with what was an all-class reunion to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the high school I attended as a teenager.

They gave me a long list of graduates to get in touch with. Many had recently joined Facebook so they were easy to contact. The people who were not on social media were more of a challenge.

However, with the help of the world-wide-web, I was able to track down most of the people on my list.

One of them was a former classmate of mine. I found out he was a most successful professional which didn't surprise me because he was a focused young man who took his studies very seriously.

It took him some time to reply to my email and when he did, it kind of took the wind out of my sails.

He told me his high school days were not exactly enjoyable. He endured four years of peer pressure and anxiety and attending a reunion would never be in his plans.

It was then I realized that high school reunions aren't for everybody and, you know what? That's OK.